Hello 2022 ♡

2021 is my favorite year, because I met my kokeshi this year ♡ This year is ending, so I would like to say thank you to all the people who supported my work of kokeshi. Love you guys and kokeshis ♡
This is my GIF goddess Kokeshi. This view is actually from my kitchen. I always thought the green glass building looked like my kokeshi. So, this time, I put my kokeshi on the building in the sunset.
Happy new year, 2022 ♡
I was thinking about the things that makes me the most warm. They’re probably a warm thick blanket, a warm wind from a heater or hot tea… When I was small, I often saw some adults making a fire outside my house. They collected dry leaves and small wood branches, and then burned them all together. I admired them, they would use a match, then make fire. The fire made cool sounds, and my mother baked sweet potatoes. It’s my good memory of fire.