Spikey Kokeshi ♡

When I was walking on the street, I found this spikey seed. It looks like a chestnut but it’s not as spiky as a chestnut. It’s also much smaller. Yukari is a spikey kokeshi, and Yukari likes things to be as perfect as her legs ♡

Poodle Kokeshi ♡

I like poodles and have them in my house because their fur is wonderful. Just washed poodle fur is so cuddly. Brownie is a poodle kokeshi who is very curious about everything, just like a poodle. His coat looks like chocolate but he won’t melt from the heat ♡ 

Autumn Kokeshi ♡

The long summer is finally over and now, it’s time for my favorite season, Autumn. When I was walking, I found a yellow leaf which had a big bite from a very hungry bug. When I saw this yellow leaf, I got the inspiration to make an Autumn kokeshi, I even used the yellow leaf for the background. Konoha wears a turtle neck sweater dress and she matched the dress with red shiny boots for Autumn ♡